2024. Chung, Y. B. Sweet Deal, Bitter Landscape: Gender Politics and Liminality in Tanzania's New Enclosures. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press (Series on Land: New Perspectives in Territory, Development, and Environment).
Special Issues
2021. Chung, Y. B., and M. Gagné. Forum on “Understanding Land Deals in Limbo in Africa: A Focus on Actors, Processes, and Relationships.” African Studies Review 64(3): 595-732.
Journal Articles
2024. Chung, Y. B. “‘Go Back to Where You Came From’”: Moral Economy of Land and the Politics of Belonging in Coastal Tanzania.” Rural Sociology. Advance online publication:
2024. Chung, Y. B. “Historicising Sustainable Livestock Intensification and Animal Genetic Improvement in Africa: Towards a Decolonial Multispecies Climate Justice.” Journal of Peasant Studies 51(3): 674-694.
2021. Chung, Y. B. “The Curious Case of Three Male Elders: Land Grabbing, Lawfare, and Intersectional Politics of Exclusion in Tanzania.” African Studies Review 64(3): 605–627.
2020. Chung, Y. B. “Governing a Liminal Land Deal: The Biopolitics and Necropolitics of Gender.” Antipode 53(3): 722-741.
2019. Chung, Y. B., S. L. Young, and R. Bezner Kerr. "Rethinking the Value of Unpaid Care Work: Lessons from Participatory Visual Research in Central Tanzania." Gender, Place, and Culture 26(11): 1544-1569.
2019. Chung, Y. B. “The Grass Beneath: Conservation, Agro-Industrialization, and Land-Water Enclosures in Postcolonial Tanzania.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers 109(1): 1-17.
2017. Chung, Y. B. “Engendering the New Enclosures: Development, Involuntary Resettlement and the Struggles for Social Reproduction in Coastal Tanzania.” Development and Change 48(1): 98-120.
Book Chapters
2020. Chung, Y. B. “Gender and Land Grabbing,” in Routledge Handbook of Gender and Agriculture, edited by C. Sachs, L. Jensen, P. Castellanos, and K. Sexsmith. London: Routledge.
Book Reviews
Forthcoming. Chung, Y. B. “Review of Laura A. German’s Power/Knowledge/Land: Contested Ontologies of Land and its Governance in Africa, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2022.” Journal of Agrarian Change. Advance online publication:
Non-Referred Publications / Public Scholarship
2021. Chung, Y. B. and M. Gagné. “What Happened to Land Grabs in Africa?” Africa Is A Country. [French translation here]
2021. Chung, Y. B., and M. Gagné. “Guest Editor’s Introduction: Understanding Land Deals in Limbo in Africa: A Focus on Actors, Processes, and Relationships.” African Studies Review 64(3): 595–604.
2019. Chung, Y. B. “Gender and Rural Poverty.” Policy in Focus: A Publication of The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth 16(1): 52-3.
2018. Chung, Y. B. "Putting Agriculture First without Farmers and Land? Reflections on Tanzania’s Road to Green Revolution." AGRA Watch Blog Post. Seattle: Community Alliance for Global Justice. [Republished by Food First]
2016. Chung, Y. B. “Gendered Impacts of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions, with a Focus on Women’s Land and Forest Rights: A Literature Review.” Washington, D.C.: Rights and Resources Initiative
2012. Chung, Y. B. and C. Billingsley. “Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture: A Real Alternative to False Solutions.” London and Johannesburg: ActionAid International.
2012. Tripathi, R., Y. B. Chung, K. Deering, N. Saracini, R. Willoughby, O. Wills, M. Mikhail, H. Warburton, D. Jayasinghe, J. Rafaomezana, and M. Churm. “What Works for Women: Proven approaches for empowering women smallholders and achieving food security.” London: ActionAid International, CARE, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide, Find Your Feet, Oxfam, Practical Action, Save the Children, and Self Help Africa.
2012. Chung, Y. B. “Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture: Experiences from ActionAid and its Partners.” London and Johannesburg: ActionAid International